Wednesday 5 May 2010

No Phoning, No Shopping, No Sightseeing, No F*cking about!

That's Colin's instructions the Fantastic Four headed off towards Moffat. Looking the most comfortable this morning, the only thing that will beat him is his 5 second attention span.

Hanging onto Mark, Neil and Dave is his best plan and he is now under strict instructions to up the pace and stay with the rest of the group...well for 10 seconds anyway as he sped off from the start as you can see in the picture.

Where he will be, where he will go...who knows? He did ask whether he needed a map today...hmmm.
Watch this's going to be interesting!
More later...


  1. Well done guys... this is awesome. What a challenge. Been following the blogs since you started Friday and so envious of you all. Enjoy. You CAN do it.
    Rory - loving the above, have to giggle as can just imagine the banter.
    Take care all love Mads xx
    PS Huge Congrats Jen - Mds Champion!

  2. Wow, awe-inspiring stuff. I go all tingly when I read these posts! Great running from all four. Just amazing.
