Monday 10 May 2010


Dave has developed a problem with his left quad muscle...his Vastus Medialis muscle to be precise. The problem also known as 'Runners Knee' according to Wiki is a problem of the old Gluteus Maximus muscle causing an unusual internal rotation of the femur (well you did ask!).

Cockbain had this happen 24hrs earlier and we are starting to believe that these injuries are contageous...

What out Neil!

Let's hope the Hereford sunshine brightens the afternoon up and gets warms away the leg problems...

More later...


  1. I better check all my course work & read up on runners knee!!!
    Give him the pain killers & a bottle of jack daniels,
    Jeanette x

  2. Thats what i had on day one, also known as patela femoral syndrome, taping will help it. Hope your ok guys, hang in! Im sure you will ;-)

  3. Ouchie! Can't even say take it easy, I'm sure you'll all fight onwards, troopers that you are.
