Thursday 6 May 2010

Kentucky and Eclairs

Colin is in fantasy world again this morning and dreaming of fast food to speed him up...

Mark is still chomping on and Neil and David are in good shape as ever.

The guys are looking forward to the luxury of the Penrith Truck Stop later, and I mean LUXURY and have got twelve miles in the bag already.

Results and pics up in a couple of hours as 3G ain't in these here parts of the world it seems.

Lots of Kilt Shoshone and Distilleries though...

More later...

Location:Beattock,United Kingdom


  1. Say hello to Neil and glad to hear that he's in good shape, or as good as can be expected having run 350 miles in 6 and a bit days.


    Enjoy the next stop all of you and make the most of the 'luxury' as I'm sure there's not much of that around.

    Neil's Mum xx

  2. Love being able to keep up with the progress here! Stay strong all of you. Neil hope you have some yummy treats for your stop! 12 miles already - strong work!


  3. Go Guys!!
    Colin - you deserve that chocolate eclair we were talking about on day 3!
    Keep eating and moving forward,
    Love Bethany.

  4. Well done guys - keep on going, you're doing amazingly well.


  5. Guys put your orders in what cakes are you wanting? as you are doing so well I may just supply you when I see you saturday.
    Keep up the good work you are all doing so well.
    Dave especially so proud of you.
