Saturday, 1 May 2010

Bastard of a road...the A9

That's according to Steve the runners are now growing tired and getting tired of the low flying traffic as they run the hard shoulder.

Steve's remark sums it up as the road is the main route north on this side of Scotland and the trucks show no mercy...

He also says 'Hello' to his sweetheart Elizabeth, and we do too as your man is running a blinder today...

More later...

Location:Swordale,United Kingdom


  1. Glad to hear he's going well, just remind him to take it easy....I do need him back in one piece! Hi to all, Love Elizabeth, Bump and Scruffy x

  2. You are right Steve, the A9 is a pig of a road, but you can do it. We are all so proud of you and your achievement. Keep going and enjoy a well earned rest this evening when you finish and a good night's sleep. Good luck to you and everyone tomorrow. lots love, Mum, Pops and Maisie.
    p.s. please can we have more updates on individuals progress throughout the day?
